Flexible Timeline

Create and edit reservations directly from the timeline.

Fast and easy search for free property.

Select what to be visible in the timeline boxes - guest name, time of arrival or time of departure.

Customize what to be visible - period, statuses, properties.


Easy for use reservation form.

Automaticaly calculate prices and taxes.

Ability to see and change the prices for each day of the booking.

Send E-mail to the guest directly from the reservation.

Add / Remove options for each reservation.

Customizable statuses

You can add / delete or customize your statuses.

You can change colors, set what can be visible in the timeline and more.


You can add/delete or edit options like garage, internet, baby cot, final cleaning or what ever you need.

You can set price for each property, how to be calculated daily or for entire period or by selection number.

Every option is attached to property.

Payments and Expenses

The system allows you to separate the payments and expenses in different accounts. It's useful for tracking money easily.

You can also prepare pending payments and expenses and the system will alert you on the day when pending expires.

E-mail templates (correspondence)

You can create E-mail templates with default text for each status.

The text can contain system variables which will be replaced with information from the reservation (example: name, price, guests, prepayment).

Every E-mail sent from the system is stored and can be accessed for reports.


Different reports for payments, expenses, reservations, occupancy, guests and others.

Search for free property

You can easy search for free property for specific dates from the timeline.

Last revision: 15.06.2013 20:50

Included features